Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

Wildau University of Technology

The University of Applied Arts Vienna is one of the most renowned training centers for design courses in the world and looks back on a long tradition of prominent teachers and graduates, with names ranging from Oskar Kokoschka to Karl Lagerfeld. Disciplines such as art studies, art education or restoration depend on high-quality image material with a powerful zoom function...
Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system
Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

The IRS project Citizen Archive at the Long Night of Science

The Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research (IRS)…
Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

Programmfabrik at the 8th Leipzig Library Congress 2022

The 8th Library Congress will take place from May 31st to June 2nd, 2022…
Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

Reference list updated

We regularly update the list of our…
Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

Customer presentation: Operation of multiple easydb instances

After our online event “Operating several easydb ...
Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

Customer presentation: Operation of multiple easydb instances

We report at regular intervals together with…
Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

Citizen Archive p

Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

Use of easydb in museums:

After our online event “Use of easydb in museums”,…
Wildau University of Technology for the use of easydb as a DAM system

Customer presentation: Use of easydb in museums

We report at regular intervals together with our...