easydb general

Release of easydb 5 is progressing.

We are pleased to provide you with an initial working version of the technical documentation of the API of the new easydb version 5.

The technical documentation for easydb 5 - as well as the complete easydb 4 documentation - is freely available on the Internet:
http ://5. easydb .de/docs/

The currently released part of the documentation is divided into the following api :

  • User management – ​​Description of user management and user management processes
  • Rights management – ​​Description of rights management : How can rights to objects, with which ACLs and with which parameters be controlled?
  • Types – List of types used in the API
  • API – Description of easydb 5 “ RESTful API over HTTP ”

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us: programmfabrik . We are also always happy to receive Feed on the range of functions and the documentation itself.