UNESCO World Document Heritage: The Codex Manesse in the Heidelberg University Library

We congratulate the Heidelberg University Library on the inclusion of the Codex Manesse in the UNESCO World Document Heritage . The most extensive and famous collection of Middle High German song and saying poetry is now stored in the air-conditioned safe of the Heidelberg University Library for conservation reasons. It is also known as the Great Heidelberg Song Manuscript . The numerous full-page miniatures are indexed in Heidicon , the interdisciplinary media repository based on easydb .

New entries in the world document heritage: Codex Manesse, court school manuscripts, Behaim globe and documents on Hanseatic history

Recently, four outstanding cultural assets were added to UNESCO's World Documentary Heritage. One of these important works is the Codex Manesse from the Heidelberg University Library, a fascinating testimony to medieval literature and culture.

Another remarkable work in the world documentary heritage are the manuscripts from Charlemagne's court school. These precious manuscripts offer insights into the education and intellectual life at the court of the great emperor. They allow us to better understand the cultural heritage and intellectual development of the Carolingian Empire.

The historic Behaim Globe is also part of the world documentary heritage. This unique globe from the 15th century represents a remarkable achievement in cartography and demonstrates the geographical knowledge and ideas of the dam . It is an important historical document that shows us how people saw the world centuries ago.

Furthermore, documents on the history of the Hanseatic League were included in the world document heritage. These writings offer insights into the trading network and political relationships of the Hanseatic cities in the Middle Ages. They testify to the economic importance and cultural diversity of this powerful trading association.

UNESCO's World Documentary Heritage: Preserving, protecting and promoting documents of universal significance

The UNESCO World Documentary Heritage Initiative is dedicated to identifying, protecting and promoting significant documents of universal value. This extraordinary collection includes written, visual and audiovisual records, documenting historical events, cultural traditions, scientific breakthroughs and other essential aspects of our human heritage.

The preservation and promotion of the world's documentary heritage by UNESCO is of central importance. It raises awareness of the importance of these documents and ensures their protection and accessibility for future generations. The World Documentary Heritage represents a unique archive of human knowledge that reflects the diversity and richness of our global culture.


Large Heidelberg song manuscript (Codex Manesse) digital

The Codex Manesse on the UNESCO World Documentary Heritage website