References: Universities and Institutes
Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature
In the project "Research continuity and continuity research. Basic settlement archaeological research on the Iron Age in the Baltic." easydb is used as a research database for archive materials, finds and other sources.
Anton Bruckner Private University
Image management with easydb
Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
easydb as the image and media database of the University of Freiburg.
Documentation and Info Center (DIZ) Stadtallendorf
ProgrammfabrikGiebichenstein Castle, Halle Art University
The image/object/material database of the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle currently covers the areas of art and design sciences (image), material collection (material), custodial work (object) and public relations (image + press archive).
Christian Albrechts University in Kiel
Image management with easydb
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
ProgrammfabrikSwiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
The Institute for History and Theory of Architecture (gta) uses easydb
Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald
Various institutes use easydb to manage their media collections.
ESMT European School of Management and Technology
In marketing, ESMT relies on managing media with easydb . For the case study
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
The Frankfurt School of Finance and Management manages media in the area of press relations with easydb .
Free University of Berlin
easydb for research and teaching
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
ProgrammfabrikGeorg-August-University Goettingen
ProgrammfabrikHeinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf
easydb is used at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf for the communications department to manage images.
Augsburg University
easydb provides professional support for press work and marketing measures.
Bremerhaven University
easydb provides professional support for press work and marketing measures.
Braunschweig University of Fine Arts (HBK)
The university library uses easydb among other things, with connections to central authority data services for digital media organization.
University of Music and Dance (HfMT) Cologne
The staff department for communication and fundraising at the Cologne University of Music and Dance uses easydb to manage images for press and public relations as well as marketing.
Ruhr West University
Image management with easydb
Trier University
Image management with easydb
Wismar University
Access to digitized images for research, teaching and public relations at Wismar University of Applied Sciences.
Lower Rhine University
The HSNR press office uses easydb for image management
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
easydb is used as an image pool for classical archeology and the M. v. Wagner Museum .
Austrian Archaeological Institute
In the archeology department, easydb is used.
Düsseldorf Art Academy
At the academy, teachers and researchers trust that their digitized art objects can be quickly found in easydb .
Latvian club
Image material for teaching, marketing and social media is managed and distributed easydb Some of the content is publicly accessible:
SRH University Heidelberg
The marketing department at Heidelberg University manages press material with easydb .
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
ProgrammfabrikPhilipps University of Marburg
ProgrammfabrikNuremberg Georg Simon Ohm Technical University
Image management with easydb
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The SPECTRUM research project at the University of Jerusalem is supported by easydb .
University of Art in Berlin
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Basel
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Bern
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Bonn
Images from the University of Bonn are legally managed and distributed in easydb .
University of Hamburg
Cross-faculty use of easydb
University of Heidelberg
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Hildesheim
Research data repository at the university library
University of Rostock
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Osnabrück
Image management with easydb in the press office.
Part of the inventory is publicly accessible.
http s://
University of Paderborn
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Stuttgart
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Trier
Cross-faculty use of easydb
University of Vienna
The UNI DAM has been in use at the University of Vienna since 2006 and is used across departments.
The data from the Jelinek Research Center can be viewed via guest access. Access is via the user name “jelinek” and the password “jelinek”.
University of Zurich
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Münster
easydb supports the departments of art history and medieval history.
University of Mainz
The Mainz University library uses easydb as a central tool for collection management
Lower Rhine University
The HSNR press office uses easydb for image management
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
The LMU press office uses easydb for image management
University of Konstanz
The press office of the University of Konstanz uses easydb for image management
University of Mannheim
The library of the University of Mannheim operates an easydb for the press office
University of Augsburg
The library of the University of Augsburg operates easydb as a central collection management tool
University of Bayreuth
The library of the University of Bayreuth operates easydb as a central tool for creating repositories
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Multireligious and Multiethnic Societies
Use of easydb in the press office
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Use of easydb in the press office
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History uses easydb for image management
Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History
The Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History uses easydb for image management
Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research (IRS)
Digital Asset Management with easydb
DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Educational Research and Educational info
Managing different collections with easydb
Corpus of Baroque ceiling painting in Germany (CbDD)
The Corpus of Baroque Ceiling Paintings in Germany (CbDD) uses easydb for image management
German Center for rode Diseases (DZNE)
Use of easydb in the press office
Technological University Bergakademie Freiburg
The TU Freiberg library provides easydb as a central service.
Martin -Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Use of easydb in the press office
Cologne University and City Library
The University and City Library of Cologne provides easydb as a central service
Technical University of Kaiserslautern
ProgrammfabrikMainz University
ProgrammfabrikDistance learning university in Hagen
Programmfabrikdam University of Applied Sciences
ProgrammfabrikNeubrandenburg University
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Vetmeduni)
fylr is the basis of the Vetmediathek, the central multimedia database for research, teaching and public relations.
Private Catholic University of Linz
ProgrammfabrikWildau University of Technology
ProgrammfabrikUniversity of Regensburg
With easydb UR employees can search for images and download the desired photos.