easydb : Software for museums and collections
Digital collection development, exhibition planning and online collection on your website
easydb . museum is the web-based collection management software for museums and collections. Not only can you catalog your inventory and manage it clearly, including the associated metadata, but you can also use easydb to publish images on your website.
The diversity of museums in the German-speaking world is expressed in their collection focus and their size. Digitally structuring and making accessible the variety of exhibits and research material is one of the biggest tasks facing museums today.
This is where the collection management software easydb comes in. museum and presents itself as a flexible and highly scalable Museum software to digitally manage your image collection. This is how every easydb is. museum is unique and tailored to the needs of each Museum .
Digital collection management features
Support your curators and employees through easydb . museum – after adapting to your requirements – for example in the following areas of responsibility:
- Indexing your collection objects
- Controlling your restorations
- Organization of loan services
- Maintenance of the photo library (image collection) with image and video integration; Support for all common media formats is guaranteed
- Website to present the collection objects on your Museum website
- Orientation to the SPECTRUM standard (German translation by AG Collection management ) is possible for the management of collection-related Info
Normative data and exchange formats
In order to ensure efficient digital indexing and smooth exchange of your digital collection in the new Museum software, easydb . museum placed a particular focus on the possibility of standardizing and integrating standardized data and exchange formats. easydb . museum can be configured upon request to support the following standards:
- Common authority file (GND) of the German National Library, formerly subject authority file (SWD), personal authority file (PND) and common corporate body file (GKD)
- Metadata standards and exchange: Dublin Core , LIDO , museum dat, connection to excavation or library systems via standardized interfaces, exchange with library formats
( MABxml , MARC21xml ) - Connection to long-term archiving systems
- Classification concept ICONCLASS
- More on request
Case studies museums
If you have any questions about easydb . museum – the software for Museum – we look forward to hearing from you via our contact form . Manage, preserve, research, publish and exhibit objects from your comprehensive collection digitally and web-based with easydb . museum .