Practical case studies
On this page you will find application examples of some easydb s from German-speaking countries. Find out what different problems similar companies and institutions like yours faced before they found the right solution for the centralized management of their media with easydb .
Programmfabrik and DAM United AG: Joint success at Vector Info rmatik GmbH
The Census Project: Reconstructing the Renaissance using fylr
THE NAHIMA project of the ETH Library
CitizenAchives at zooniverse – Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research (IRS)
Wildau University of Technology
University of Hildesheim
Bremen State Institute for Schools
Syrian Heritage Archive Project
University of Art in Berlin
European School of Management and Technology
The ESMT European School of Management and Technology is an international private university with doctoral degrees and has its headquarters in Berlin and the Schloss Gracht location near Cologne. ESMT was founded by 25 leading global Commercial and associations.
ESMT's diverse communications and marketing activities are divided into three departments at both locations. In order to optimally combine the work of the teams, ESMT decided web-based Digital Asset Management easydb .
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH
GBV network headquarters: kuniweb
Workshops, specifications and training courses
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Baden-Württemberg State Media Center
Mannheim city marketing
University of Heidelberg
Metrohm AG
Hanau Media Center
Roman-Germanic Central museum in Mainz
If you have any questions about our case studies or easydb please contact our sales team .
Programmfabrik GmbH
Heinrich-Roller-Straße 16B
10405 Berlin
Telephone +49 30 4050579-0
Fax +49 30 4050579-19