New customer: Zoological Research museum Alexander König
Researching and explaining species diversity is the central task of the Alexander König Zoological Research museum . The main research areas include collection-based zoological biodiversity research, systematics and phylogeny, biogeography and molecular biology.
The Natural History museum was opened in 1934. In 1948 it even became the birthplace of the Federal Republic when the opening ceremony of the Parliamentary Council, which drafted the Basic Law, took place in the Museum 's atrium.
museum houses 5.5 million individuals and is the Leibniz Institute for Animal Biodiversity. With easydb , the ZFMK is establishing a central management tool for the company's media data. The multimedia database project was started with the data from the GBOL – German Barcode of Life project ( ). As part of the nationwide cooperation project, a genetic reference library is being built. A contribution to the GBOL project can also be found ARD media library