Focke Museum optimizes collection management with easydb

The renowned Focke Museum , the Bremen state museum for art and cultural history, uses easydb to manage its extensive collection of around 100,000 art and cultural objects more efficiently and to showcase it in multimedia.

The Focke Museum commissioned our partner DAM United AG to select a multimedia object solution that not only meets the requirements of image management, but also enables smooth integration of images and objects. After careful evaluation, the experts at DAM United decided on the Digital Asset Management system ( DAM system) easydb from programmfabrik . This not only offers a robust and flexible platform for managing digital images, but also enables the easy integration of object and image management.

With the help of easydb images of employees and photographers are now uploaded and assigned to the associated objects. In addition, automations were created that optimize the processes and relieve the burden on the Museum team. A specially developed interface also ensures continuous synchronization with the Museum 's inventory software and enables employees to export images in different formats with one click and make them available for various applications.

Martin Luther, project manager at the Focke Museum , expressed his satisfaction with the introduction of easydb .

For further Info about the project, search the full article on the DAM United website: “Focke Museum upgrades collection management with DAM system easydb .


easydb an innovative pioneer in the area of ​​web-based media repositories for 15 years Together with the latest version fylr , the successor to easydb 5, customers rely on our experience and know-how in over 200 installations. Due to the science-oriented and individual approach, the system is particularly established in educational and research institutions and has so far become indispensable in over 50 press offices.

Our team of experts is available to answer your individual inquiries.

Source of the featured image: “ Focke- Museum Bremen: Entrance to the main building ” by Jürgen Howaldt. Own work, created on February 8, 2008. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 DE . Available on Wikimedia Commons.