Wax record from 1925 as an example image for the Fonoteka project

Extension of fylr and easydb to include Uzbek and Russian as part of the Fonoteka project

Through the collaboration within the Fonoteka project, the digital collection and digital asset solutions fylr (the successor to easydb ) and easydb be expanded to include Uzbek and Russian languages. Originally available in German, English, French, Danish, Finnish and Swedish, this expansion will further improve use and accessibility for researchers and interested parties in additional countries.

The Fonoteka Project

Revitalizing the Fonoteka: A Multilateral Project for the Preservation and Accessibility of Audio Collections

The Fonoteka is a unique archive of sound and some film recordings as well as a wealth of accompanying documents and belongs to the Uzbek Academy of Sciences. The Fonoteka collections include nearly a century of studio and field recordings of music and other performing arts, researched or acquired from changing ideological perspectives. The Fonoteka houses a unique cultural and scientific heritage Dam Uzbekistan. Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, the Fonoteka project aims to restore, digitize, catalog and digitally store these collections to enable academic and public access to them.

The main actors in the project are the Center for World Music / University of Hildesheim Foundation (Germany), the Institute of Art Sciences / Uzbek Academy of Sciences (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) and the Phonogram Archive / Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna, Austria). The project also includes collaboration with the network headquarters of the Joint Library Association (Göttingen, Germany).

The main objectives of the Fonoteka project

A main goal is to equip the Fonoteka with the necessary technical infrastructure to be able to restore, digitize, catalogue, physically preserve and digitally store its collections. This also includes the training of existing staff and project employees in these technical areas, but also advice on legal and ethical matters. The restoration and digitization of the Fonoteka audio collections is carried out in accordance with IASA standards. Another main goal is to create an online catalog in Russian, Uzbek and English. Measures for the long-term preservation of the physical media and the securing of digital copies of recordings and documentation are also being taken as part of the project.

Collaboration with Programmfabrik : Creation of a database and a catalog

The collaboration with Programmfabrik focuses on building and implementing a database and a catalog. The database is based on the easydb software and is used for central management of files and metadata. It is a flexible and web-based Digital Asset Management ( DAM ) and Media Asset Management (MAM) system. The data models are created based on the printed inventories and follow international standards. Programmfabrik will assist in setting up and configuring this database to enable the preservation and accessibility of audio recordings and accompanying documents as part of the project.

Variety of supported languages ​​in fylr and easydb

Languages ​​already available

  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Danish
  • Finnish
  • Swedish

Languages ​​currently in translation

  • Uskbek
  • Russian


Visit our fylr website fylr for more Info . search

We look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

Image source: wax record 1925, Maximilian Schönherr, CC BY-SA 4.0 http s://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons