We've moved!

We are pleased to announce that Programmfabrik has reached a new milestone – we have moved! Our new address is now:

Heinrich-Roller-Straße 16b, 10405 Berlin.

The world of work has changed in recent years, and at Programmfabrik we have used these changes as an opportunity to redesign our work environment. Since most of our employees work remotely, we have decided to adapt our business premises.

Our new offices offer flexible and modern workplaces. We have designed them to ensure an attractive and inspiring environment for our teams who want to work together. This move reflects our philosophy that work is not just a place to go, but a dynamic space that fosters creativity and collaboration.

While we leave our old address at Schwedter Straße 9B in Berlin with many wonderful memories, we look optimistically and with anticipation to the future in our fresh premises.

We would like to thank all of our employees, customers and partners for their continued support and look forward to welcoming them to our new home.

Here’s to many more years of successful collaboration!

Pictures from the day of the move