(Linked) Open Data
What is Open Data?
The term Open Data refers to data that is freely available and usable on the Internet and means non-textual material such as images, videos, maps, documents, etc. If data is openly available, it can be used by can be used and processed by anyone. As a rule, their producers make the data available under license conditions that are free of proprietary rights (e.g. copyright). Similar concepts also underlie the terms Open Access, Open Content and Open Source.
What is Linked Open Data?
Linked Open Data ( LOD ) refers to briefly linked, publicly accessible data. In the first step, this requires the publication of data sets in a structured and machine-readable format. The next step means making the Info available, for example via an API /interface , and networking it with each other.
The idea of the Semantic Web lies behind the principle of Linked Open Data. Accordingly, users should have the opportunity to access not only the knowledge and data of one provider with a Search , but also, through networking, to access different knowledge from several providers at the same time and dam benefit from different sources.