What is WebDAV?

WebDAV stands for “Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning”. It is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) that allows users to create, edit, and manage content on web servers. WebDAV is specifically designed to simplify document collaboration over the Internet and supports functions such as uploading, downloading, moving, copying and deleting files.

Key Features

  • Remote Access and Editing: WebDAV allows users to manage files on a web server as if they were stored on a local drive. This makes it easier to work remotely and access important documents from anywhere.
  • Versioning: One of the key features of WebDAV is its support for versioning. This means users can track changes to documents and revert to previous versions if necessary.
  • Locking: To prevent multiple users from editing the same content at the same time and overwriting changes, WebDAV provides mechanisms to lock files while editing.
  • Metadata support: WebDAV enables the assignment and management of metadata to files. This includes Info such as author, last modified date and other relevant data.

Areas of application

WebDAV finds wide application in a variety of scenarios including:

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Many CMSs use WebDAV to upload and manage web content.
  • Collaborative projects: Teams can use WebDAV to work together on documents and projects, with changes synchronized for everyone involved.
  • Personal Cloud storage solutions: Some Cloud storage providers offer WebDAV interfaces to enable standardized access to files over the Internet.


WebDAV is a powerful extension of HTTP that makes online document sharing and collaboration easier. Through its ability to provide file management capabilities over the web, WebDAV plays an important role in enabling efficient workflows for teams and individuals worldwide.