Structural standards
What structural standards are there?
Metadata structure standards serve as formal sets of rules for document and object description. These include:
- CDWA – Categories for the Description of Works of Art – Description of objects of art and culture
- DC – Dublin Core – international, cross-domain standard for describing any type of resource
- EAD – Encoded Archival Description – documentary XML standard for describing finding aids and other finding aids in Archive , museums and libraries
- LIDO – Lightweight Info Describing Objects – event-oriented, further development of the museum dat
- MAB – Machine Exchange Format for Libraries – bibliographic data format
- MARC 21 – Machine-Readable Cataloging – bibliographic data format
- METS – Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard – XML format for the description of digital objects and metadata
- MODS – Metadata Object Description Schema – XML format for bibliographic metadata (METS and MODS are often used complementary)
- SPECTRUM XML – Standard for documenting objects and specific workflows for documentation, defined standards for data exchange such as XML
- TEI – Text Encoding Initiative – XML-based document format for encoding and exchanging texts
- VRA Core – Visual Resources Association – Description of images of cultural heritage objects